Max-planck-institut F Ur Informatik a Multi-dimensional Terminological Knowledge Representation Language K I N F O R M a T I K Authors' Addresses Publication Notes
An extension of the concept description language ALC used in kl-one-like terminological reasoning is presented. The extension includes multi{modal operators that can either stand for the usual role quanti cations or for modalities such as belief, time etc. The modal operators can be used at all levels of the concept terms, and they can be used to modify both concepts and roles. This is an instance of a new kind of combination of modal logics where the modal operators of one logic may operate directly on the operators of the other logic. Di erent versions of this logic are investigated and various results about decidability and undecidability are presented. The main problem, however, decidability of the basic version of the logic, remains open.
منابع مشابه
Max-planck-institut F Ur Informatik Terminological Representation, Natural Language & Relation Algebra K I N F O R M a T I K
In this paper I establish a link between kl-one-based knowledge representation concerned with terminological representation and the work of P. Suppes (1976, 1979, 1981) and M. B ottner (1985, 1989) in computational linguistics. I show how this link can be utilised for the problem of nding adequate terminological representations for given information formulated in ordinary English.
متن کاملMax-planck-institut F Ur Informatik Peirce Algebras K I N F O R M a T I K Authors' Addresses
We present a two-sorted algebra, called a Peirce algebra, of relations and sets interacting with each other. In a Peirce algebra, sets can combine with each other as in a Boolean algebra, relations can combine with each other as in a relation algebra, and in addition we have both a relationforming operator on sets (the Peirce product of Boolean modules) and a set-forming operator on relations (...
متن کاملMax-planck-institut F Ur Informatik Middle-out Reasoning for Logic Program Synthesis K I N F O R M a T I K Im Stadtwald D 66123 Saarbr Ucken Germany Authors' Addresses
Logic programs can be synthesized as a by-product of the planning of their veri cation proofs. This is achieved by using higher-order variables at the proof planning level, which become instantiated in the course of planning. We illustrate two uses of such variables in proof planning for program synthesis, one for synthesis proper and one for the selection of induction schemes. We demonstrate t...
متن کاملMax-planck-institut F Ur Informatik Set Constraints Are the Monadic Class K I N F O R M a T I K Im Stadtwald W 6600 Saarbr Ucken Germany Authors' Addresses
We investigate the relationship between set constraints and the monadic class of rst-order formulas and show that set constraints are essentially equivalent to the monadic class. From this equivalence we can infer that the satis ability problem for set constraints is complete for NEXPTIME. More precisely, we prove that this problem has a lower bound of NTIME(cn= logn). The relationship between ...
متن کاملMax-planck-institut F Ur Informatik Functional Translation and Second-order Frame Properties of Modal Logics K I N F O R M a T I K Authors' Addresses Publication Notes
Normal modal logics can be de ned axiomatically as Hilbert systems, or semantically in terms of Kripke's possible worlds and accessibility relations. Unfortunately there are Hilbert axioms which do not have corresponding rst-order properties for the accessibility relation. For these logics the standard semanticsbased theorem proving techniques, in particular, the relational translation into rst...
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